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Motive Brake bleeder questions

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:34 pm
by jefferson
First off I am going to say that I have air in my brakes that I just can't get out. It isn't much, but just enough that I get a higher firmer pedal if I rapidly release and reapply the brakes. I am pretty sure it is an issue with the abs pump. I am thinking that bleeding the brakes with the motive pressurized bleeder will push the bubble on out of the system. It seems the regular pump and bleed way isn't getting the bubble past a certain point and in between cracking the bleeder the bubble returns to where it was.
Then I was wondering about the caps on the master cyls. being like the newer cars as there are different caps that are used with the motive system and you have to have the right one for the system to work. give me your thoughts.


Re: Motive Brake bleeder questions

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:57 pm
by Legacy777
Once you build firmness in the system, if you hold your foot on the brake pedal does the pedal slowly go to the floor?

If so, the MC may be bad. If not, it may just be air.

Saying that, I will give you my only tried and trued method for completely elminating air from the brake system.

First off, when bleeding the brakes, you'll need two people. When bleeding, you'll need to communicate when the pedal is on the floor so that the person manning the bleeder screw can close it when the pedal is on the floor. You need to close the valve so new fluid is sucked in from the MC and the air bubble doesn't move backwards. I usually will also use clear tubing attached to the bleeder screw into a glass jar so I can see any air coming out.

If you've gone through the normal bleeding, step on the pedal open bleeder screw, pedal to the floor, close bleeder screw, and repeat without any success, try the following.

Slowly but firmly pump the brake pedal about 20 times in a row and on the last pump, hold the brake pedal down. Have the person at the caliper open the bleeder screw and then immediately close it once the pedal is at the floor and/or he or she sees that the fluid has stopped flowing. Repeat this process 2-3 times per wheel. Follow the factory bleeding order, FL, RR, FR, LR. If there are bleeder screws on the ABS unit, bleed those first before bleeding the brake lines.

For very stubborn air in the lines I will start the engine to use the vacuum assist to increase the pressure in the brake lines to help force the air out. If you feel you've got air in the ABS and can't get it out or don't have bleeder screws in the ABS unit, then find a dirt or wet road to safely engage the ABS several times to help force the air out of the ABS unit so you can then bleed the system.

Re: Motive Brake bleeder questions

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:18 am
by jefferson
I wish my abs unit had bleeder screws on it. I have cycled it last winter and the bleed afterwards didn't provide any results. I will have to say that I have not followed that bleeding order. My abs light is on now so I doubt I could get it to cycle any more.
Has anyone got any experience with the Movit system? I really do think the constant flow would be a benefit to get the air out. Jeff

Re: Motive Brake bleeder questions

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 1:02 am
by yazmo
i always thought you had to bleed the farthest from the master cylinder like RearR LeftR FrontR FrontL, I'm about to do a bleeding myself i have the Nipon abs module with the bleeding screw on them, thx for the info. ill try in this order! btw is it the same order on the and module as well?

Re: Motive Brake bleeder questions

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 6:00 pm
by Legacy777
How many bleeder screws are on the ABS module? Unless you know there is air in the ABS module I would probably suggest just bleeding the lines and the not ABS module.