Look familiar? I'm not sure how many people ever really believed this information, although I've seen it spread far and wide over my years with these cars. I have been among the skeptical for many years as well. In fact, not too long ago I provided my own dose of reality based on all the facts we thought we would ever have:I was just doing a google search when I came across this information. Is this really true? I know turbo legacys are hard to find, but these numbers seem too low. Does anyone know whether or not this is an actual count?
1991 - 58 5-speeds were sold, and 149 automatics were sold.
1992 - 6 5-speeds were sold, and 5 automatics were sold.
1993 - 25 5-speeds were sold, and 45 automatics were sold.
1994 - 170 5-speeds were sold, and 230 automatics were sold.
Well, here we are today, and I'm happy to say that guesses and speculation are no longer all we have to go on. I reverse engineered Subaru's dealer parts lookup software and extracted actual production VIN information on the first generation Legacy, as well as a good selection of other Subarus.Alphius wrote:I've seen literature from the period where Subaru was reporting 3-5% take rate for the turbocharged 91-94 Legacy. That would put yearly production around 3100-5300 units for a total of 12,400-21,200 produced over all 4 years. This is probably as accurate as we will ever know.
The numbers that SOA and SOC provided are bunk. Don't know how they came to that, but there's way more out there than they say.
Without further ado, take a peek at this and let me know what you think: