I've got a 93 legacy turbo wagon manual swapped, which just got a td04 and tmic thrown on it.
At first it was sweet up to about 15psi (somewhere I read the ecu will account for 16psi???)
so after driving for a day I get a complete cutoff at random times....ie falling flat on its face.
I dropped boost to 10 psi with no change...
also checked and changed plugs, which did help a good bit due to being gapped .040, and now .032 or so.
But as the plugs helped a bit of hiccuping, it still will occasionally at wot, w/ only 10 psi, fall flat on it's face.
The codes that are being thrown are 12, (abnormal starter switch signal due to it being bypassed for now)
35, (canister purge solenoid valve) because I broke the darn solenoid so it's bypassed
and 51, (abnormal neutral/ inhibitor switch) because I haven't wired up my neutral switch
so all of those shouldn't cause any havoc to the tune based on what I read.
if the maf is being maxed out or bad 02 sensor or something causing spark/ or fuel to stop, wouldn't it throw a code?
possibly coils going bad?
um I dunno.....any suggestions?
a little pic of the not so clenlinessness of my engine bay