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Anyone have any good sledding stories???

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 5:13 am
by 123c
I went sledding today, and boy did I have a fun time. I went down this very steep, but short hill, and I thought I was going to die a few times. Everytime I got to the bottom, I would hit so hard that I would fly off of the sled if I didn't have a tight grip. Even a few times I only made it half way down the hill, and I would be thrown from the sled. I am a little soar, but it was worth the fun :D

A few years ago I went down this very steep hill, that was even more fun, but I havn't been able to make it back yet this year, well I did go to it, but it was too dark, and I didn't want to hit a tree...

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 5:21 am
by georryan
Yeah when I was about 10 or 12, my brother was four (and still is) four years younger than me, we were sledding with some other family members on a fairly crowded hill. The restroom was at the bottom of the hill. The snow hill went to the edge of the bathroom, dropped about three feet to the icy sidewalk of the bathroom and the two rooms faced that sidewalk. On one of the trips down my brother made it all the way down the hill and slid down the edge and a girl opened the bathroom door just in time for my little brother to slide right into the girls bathroom. No joke. It was halarious.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 5:30 am
by 123c
Last year, me, my brother, and a friend tried to build our own sled, however what we build was so large and bulky, it didn't work that well. Our friend's dad told us about making these sleds when he was a kid, and how fast he was able to make them go, and the fun, but dangerous stuff he was able to do with them. Somehow our's didn't turn out right, and was so heavy that it took 2 people to take it up the hill :roll:, but it was slightly faster than some of the other sleds we were using...

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:06 am
by legacy92ej22t
Back in Eugene growing up my friend lived on a super steep hill with a road that cut across it. It made a super big road jump (a friend of mine in H.S. flipped his van, hit 3 cars and a house off it but that's a different story :roll: ) and we would fly off it on inner tubes. We would get pretty banged up but it was fun. One day though my friend almost got creamed at the cross road by a car because we had to run a stop sign and he didn't wait for any of us to spot for him. It seriously missed him by a couple feet, then he flies of the jump and somehow lands and starts picking up even more speed only to slam into a parked pickup on the side of the road! He ended up with about 14 stitches in the back of his head from bouncing it off the rear bumper of the truck and ripped his new jacket he'd gotten for x-mas, scraping up his back pretty good.

Sometimes when it didn't snow much it would just turn into a sheet of ice. My buddy had one of those left-right arrow signs that are at Ts in the road with the edges bent up and it went scary fast :lol:

When it was icy like that we would also use old skate decks that didn't have wheels or trucks and have compititions to see who could get the farthest down the hill. Needless to say there was a few dislocated shoulders, mild concussions and sprained wrists :twisted:

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:20 am
by import_freak
This story sucks, but ill share it anyway. I used to be in boy scouts, and on the christmas camp out when i was twelve we were sledding. We'd been having fun messing wich each other jumping in fornt of someone, jumping on each other, etc etc..... So im going down and the other kids decide to stick their sleds infront of me. as im going by one of them smacks me in the face. And i was like gee that hurt...... No YOW THAT REALLY HURT!! :cry: :cry: :cry: Some how both my front teeth get broken off. luckily there was a dentist in his office and he shot me full of novacane :D and rebuilt my teeth back up, but to this day im still having problems with my teeth. The worst part was none of them would say it was their fault, They all blamed on the other person.

THE END. (hope you enjoyed my little story)

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:59 am
by Grant
Grew up in sledding heaven so have too many stories to even begin telling any. To this day though I can not drink hot chocolate unless I've been outside in <20 degree weather for at least two hours or it just doesn't taste as good. Come to think of it, I don't think I've had a cup of hot chocolate since about 1997, back when we used to cross country ski to the gas station (approx 1 mile) on snow days or after school when we were bored.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:48 am
by LaureltheQueen

History First.So there's this long dispute between my family and our neighbor. We shared a field boundary, and he wanted to subdivide his land into a developement. We wrote a letter to the county, and he got angry and cut down our fence on christmas eve, letting our horses go. Theres the history.

Story now. I must have been about 7 years old. Well, since our neighbor had all this great land, he had a huge hill, very steep, the whole top covered in forest, the rest cleared because he has cows (I am NOT a redneck). after the hill is a huge expanse of field, divided in half by a nice row of rusty barbed wire. So me, my older brother(4 years older), my best friend, her 2 older sisters, and another friend all go there on a snow day. So we're sleddin away, we were there for probably 2-3 hours, My brother and myself both had new sleds we'd gotten for christmas. It was a huge adrenaline rush, because you'd be goin down the hill, and then you had to stop as fast as possible, or get your ass eaten alive by the tetanus fence. Well, after being there a while, the dickhead, Chris is his name, comes out in his beat up truck, with a shot gun. We ran our asses back to our property as fast as humanly possible. It was scary stuff. :shock: He actually shot at me and a couple friends about 8 years later for walking on his property at night. He's wacko. Thank god he didnt have his helicopter then.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 4:43 pm
by legacy92ej22t
I wonder if he was shooting rock salt loads at you. I know the orchard farmers in Oregon used to shoot rock salt at me and my friends if we got caught partying or riding motorcycles and 3 wheelers :lol: I had a couple friends who actually got hit. They had to soak in the tub to get rid of it and they said it was one of the most painfull things ever.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:38 pm
by ciper
Last year I broke my back on christmas eve sledding.

DONT EVER sled on those damn thin plastic sleds, saucer or toboggan. Get a real sled or intertube and save yourself alot of pain. The thin shell ones have no suspension or give so you body takes every impact. Very bad for you even if you dont break something.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:51 pm
by 123c
import_freak wrote:...So im going down and the other kids decide to stick their sleds infront of me. as im going by one of them smacks me in the face. And i was like gee that hurt...... No YOW THAT REALLY HURT!! :cry: :cry: :cry: Some how both my front teeth get broken off. luckily there was a dentist in his office and he shot me full of novacane :D and rebuilt my teeth back up, but to this day im still having problems with my teeth.
That must have really hurt, I know what you are going through, since I have had a few of my front teeth broken too. I finally got them fixed right last year, but I still have problems in cold weather...

BTW, thin sheets of plastic can be fun, last year, 10 of us jumped onto a sheet of plastic and went down the hill, it was a blast until we got to the bottom, and everyone landed ontop of each other...

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:56 pm
by ciper
Imagine getting folded in half. My face went between my feet (legs straight).

You know how the bones in your back are spaced apart?

Well two of my bones actually struck each other when I got bent. They hit hard enough to crack.

Felt like lightning running through my back, and I remember the sound of my entire back going "Crack crack crack crack crack crack" very quickly.

It was a very short hill too. I wasnt going very fast. Trust me, it doesnt take much.

Whats worse is that I had to pretend I was alright because my wife is very weak. Even though I was white as a ghost (going into shock) I was able so crawl back to the car.

I have a VERY high tolerance for pain, I couldnt even swing my legs inside the car so my wife helped and I drove to the hospital! It hurt so much my eyes started to tear, I told her it was from the dry air

The nurses and doctors at the hospital didnt realize how bad it was, since I was standing in the waiting room. Before X-Rays the doctor said I probably bruised my tail bone.

When he looked at the X-Ray he came rushing in and said we need to get you to the (whats the machine that goes in circles around you?) right away. Two of them had easily visible cracks where they hit each other. I was lucky more didnt get broken. The doctor said I probably bruised most of my back and asked how I was doing with the pain. I said "There is so much pain that I almost cant feel it anymore."

After that they shot me up with all sorts of pain killers :) :D 8)

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:56 pm
by evolutionmovement
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)? Is it the one that bangs like a tribal guy with a drum is inside? Had one for a knee injury when I got hit by a car.


Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 11:49 pm
by 123c
I went sledding again today, and I will try to get some pictures up of what and where I was sledding. Let's just say for now that what I did is something most sane people wouldn't try :D

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:35 am
by 123c



Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 3:20 am
by 123c
Here are a few more, btw, these were taken near the Mission Ridge Ski area...

