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Update on my crazy problem.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 4:53 pm
by turbonator
I've got down to a science now. :D

When my rear axle siezes now I pull over start reving the shit out of the enigine and rocking in my seat.

This for some reason pops the axle back out and I can drive again..

Takes about 30 seconds which beats the hell out of the 10 to 20 minutes I used to wait last winter.

Still very strange though any thoughts??

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 5:39 pm
by G-reg

I missed the earlier thread.....the rear end LOCKS? If it's in the tranny the center diff may be crappin the bed, in an auto maybe it's an electric problem. If it comes from from further back maybe the rear diff. Maybe a bad U joint on the drive shaft? Either way, that sounds like it has the potential to shell out the rest of your drivetrain.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 5:44 pm
by sammydafish
that's gotta be some funny shit to watch :p

is there another thread? link to it. like g-reg said, you're gonna need to isolate if it's in the tranny or the diff

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 8:33 pm
by turbonator
I've been driving her like this for almost 2 years..

I'm completely amazed the car is still alive. It gets really violent shakes then starts jumping once the wheels lock.

The first year both back axles would lock up and the next day the front would lock up and switch back and fouth each day.

It happens only in the winter drove fine all summer and it only happens first drive of the day. I let it sit for a while then the car is fine till next morning.

No one is sure what the problem is..

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 8:40 pm
by G-reg
One of my first posts here was concerning a blowed-up CV. I had a torn boot front/left/outboard,and I think some ice built up inside. I parked in a snow bank after driving through snow with the front wheels turned. The next day when I went to drive it the car was stuck, mainly because the front left wheel was locked. Maybe it’s something like that? A stretch but I’m just throwing out an idea.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 9:17 pm
by turbonator
Thats the thing everyone has an idea but I'm not going to start replacing axles yet.

It seems to be only the rear drivers side axle now that locks or wheels bearing or it's a tranny or diff problem.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 9:20 pm
by professor
That lock-up problem: I've seen reference to the fact that this can be fixed, albiet temporarily, by taking a series of tight, fast turns in a parking lot, like 25 to 50 turns each way, which causes the wheels to spin different speeds thus wearing on the clutch packs

why this works I don't know but I've read about it several times, luckily I have not experienced the problem