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Black paint above doors.

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2002 7:39 pm
by 92subarulegacy
OK, i'm feeling productive, so I'm finally gonna get around to painting the chipped black paint above my doors. My question for yall is, how did yall do this? Is there a certain method to get the best results?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2002 7:44 pm
by Legacy777
I think someone did this and posted over in bc-bf list.

But what I would do is tape things off.......sand the black trim with a 400 grit sand a dry then wet.........then do a 600 dry then wet.......that should be plently smooth. Clean the surface with a tact cloth or other type thing. Paint a primer on there......put a coat or two......then apply the paint......not sure what would work best. They do make a black enamal or some kits that have like a base & clear coat spray.........not sure which would work best though.

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2002 9:50 pm
by 92subarulegacy
well the paint has chipped off in big patches. would it just be better to sand it all off and go from there?

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2002 4:11 pm
by magicmike
It might be alot of work to remove all the paint. But on the other hand if you dont "feather" the edges enough around the missing paint areas you will see "dips" or "steps" in the finished product. If you have the time remove the rails from the car (I'm pretty sure they are just screwed on, but I may be wrong) and remove all the exsisting paint. Then just do what legacy777 said from there. As far as paint goes, personally I would also do a couple of light coats of primer wet sanding the final coat. keep it at 400 to 600 grit or the paint wont adhere to the primer and you will have another peeling issue. For the black paint, I'd use "Black Satin" Its a cross between flat black and glossy black and you dont need to be a pro to have it look good. Stay away from enamels, thay take FOREVER to dry.

Good Luck
