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A little story

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 11:18 am
by georryan
So I was at the mall today, returning some pants and exchanging them for others. It rained today and as I was pulling out of the parking lot, a honda pulled up next to me at the stoplight. As soon as the stoplight turned green, I hear this noise from the honda, and I look over to realize he is trying to take off real fast, and all he is doing is spinning his tires. I looked ahead at this point in time, and realized that the lane I'm in ends just after the light. I looked back at the honda who was still spinning his tires and moving very slowly from the line, and then with a flick of my wrist and a smooth slide of my feet I promted my little baby into motion and she lurched forward without a moments hesitation. The light that I was once looking at was very shortly in my rear view mirror, and the civic, who was trying desperately to catch up now that it had some traction, was falling vastly behind. The sub, pulled hard through third gear and when the speedometer read 60 I let up on the accelerator.

My brother was with me and about died laughing. That poor honda sat spinning his tires for what felt like in my mind to be forever, cause I didn't start to move until after I had looked at him the second time. Now the whole event maybe took place over the time of a second or two, but man, for how badly I killed him it was just halarious.

Ahhhh, the beauty of all wheel drive.

Funny thing is when I looked over at the car, I just smiled to myself. I remembered having my first car at 16 (a 74 Nova) and how I'd always loose races against my friend's honda cause I couldn't keep the tires from spinning. I just had bad tires. I almost felt sorry for bursting that guy's bubble,.....but it felt so good. :)

Just thought you guys might like a laugh. :lol:


Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 3:50 pm
by Legacy777's always fun doin that.

I've got a pretty funny story too.....mainly funny due to the stupidity of people.

Before I tell ya the story, mind you my car is a N/A FWD auto, w/ 167,000 miles on it. The auto is sick and is slowly on its way out. I have a vacuum leak so got a pretty huge hesitation in lower rpms.....other then runs pretty good, and doesn't do too bad for itself considering the age and other issues.

So time for the story. I think it was a sat night or friday night.....not sure. Some friends and I were out at a bar, we decide to call it a night, and I take off to go home. The bar is on a side street to the main drag, which has a median in it. So I have to turn right, then do a U-turn.

I'm waiting at the light in the left hand turn lane. I get the green arrow, do U-turn and accelerate on.....revving to redline.....cause that was just the mood I was in :) The next light was red, so I slow down and stop. I'm sittin at the front cause the light had just turned red. The traffic from the previous light had let out and was comin up, and being fri-sat night....all the ricers are out cruisin. I believe it was a early 80's rx7...(it was before the body style change for the late 80's) he pulled up next to me.....I wasn't goin to race...not sure if he was tryin or what.....but light turns and my extremly hesitation ladened car accelerate on and eventually slow down for the next light. I come to a stop at the next light. The guys in the RX7 come up next to me......and yell...."does that thing have a turbo" I was like no.... "You sure.....It sure sounded like one"...or something to that effect. I again said, No, just normally asperated. They're like....."oh ok"

I just laughed........:lol: It wasn't the fact that I 'beat' them...even though I didn't know they were even there until after I had stopped and they were talkin to me.

It was definitely more funny bein there then re-telling.....hehe

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 9:25 pm
by georryan
hahaha, yeah that is a great story.

I've got a few more stories that are great and pretty funny. One involved me driving a minivan. haha

but anyways, I find that although a lot of those ricers may have done a lot of stuff to their cars, a lot of them fix the looks before the performance. My brother's friend owns an imprezza, it is an L and has an auto, but he's done some work to it. He's added a nice spoiler, rims and tires, a lot of those glow lights to the interior, those glowing windshield washer sprayers..... and the list goes on. Has he done anything to the car itself? No. So it is just as slow or slower than stock. Not saying that's bad, if that's the look he's going for cool, but he isn't going to beat anyone who has done anything remotely to their car if that's what he wants.

Anyways, great story Josh, that was pretty funny. I would have loved to heart them trying to justify you beating them. haha.
