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To be an asshole, that is the question.

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:58 am
by 93forestpearl
I have a fairly unique situation. I still go to school, being 27 years old. Long story short, major woman drama leading to a little too much fun, then being a major gearhead lended me to being in this position. Some people here know what I've done to my car, and will agree that it is way too much for still being a student. Anyways, I'm about three semesters from having minors in electrical, computer, and mechanical engineering, and majoring in manufacturing engineering. And yes, I am making very very good academic progress at his point.

The deal is, do I just be a dickhead and just have fun with the 21/22 y/old skanks, or hold out for something a little more satisfactory? Many people will vouch that younger women like assholes, and although that is not hard to be, it is completely unsatisfactory being that I'm in a very different place than your average 22 year old college girl. But damn do they look good.

The trouble is, women my age are completely over college guys. Its a tough cookie portraying that, and having a 50-60 hr/week major on top of a weekend job makes thing even more interesting. So I'm left with stupid party girls that drink way too much and take adderall to stay up during the week for instance, or in general girls that have no idea what the real world is like outside of college and parental support. I can be an asshole to women and have plenty of instant fun I can deal with, but in the end it is lame. I just do not have the patience anymore to deal with women six or seven years younger than I am, being in our 20's. People change sooooo much between 21 and 25 its really not even funny. No one that is 21-22 believes me, but pretty much everyone 25 and older agrees.

I'm not trying to sounds like a sorry chap with woman troubles, because that is hardly the case. It is more of a moral dilemma because damn, I feel like a dirty old man on campus. VanWilder if you will.


Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:26 am
by BAC5.2
I am 23, and I agree that people change during those ages. Heck, I changed enough from 21 to 23 to get married!

Should you mess around with the younger girls?

Well, will it make you feel dirty in the morning? Will you respect yourself for doing it?

If you won't feel dirty, and you'll still respect yourself, then go for it. It's their mistake.

If you WILL feel dirty and you won't respect yourself, then just lay off.

There is nothing that says you HAVE to have a girl every minute of every day.

Believe me, you'll find a girl that'll appreciate the situation you are in. Heck, I did! I've got 3 years until I am done with my Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering. She is finishing hers in special education as we speak. Next semester, she will be working and I'll still be in school.

The moral of this story is that you can find someone who is on the same level as you and can appreciate the situation you are in and want to give it a go anyway.

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:03 am
by Aerotech

You need to find a nice med school hottie that knows what sacrifices you are making towards the future, and is doing the same.

Until then, though, keep shagging the skank :twisted: Keep a hat on, ya don't want any ankle-biters at your grad party...

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:01 pm
by 93forestpearl
Man, that six pack of Shell's Octoberfest was talkin a little bit last night, lol.

Phil, I haven't taken the bait yet, although its right in front of me. In the back of my mind is the asscociated BS with messing around with younger women. I haven't had a girlfriend since I got burned four years ago. When that happened, I said F bitches and worked on my car. Now I call my car my girlfriend since she takes all my time and money. :lol:

I will agree that it is more fun to be with one person a 1000 times than it is a 1000 people one time, even if male instincts say otherwise.

Don't think that I need a woman every minute of the day. It is quite the opposite. I was just thinking a little bit out loud last night, lol.

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:43 pm
by evolutionmovement
Haven't had a woman since the millenium change because I won't waste time and money (or my immune system) on someone who's beneath me. I have friends and enjoy my own company enough to dream of some day retiring to the woods alone. I might be the extreme and I sometimes wonder if indeed I am a human as that "need for companionship" thing seems to have mostly passed me by, but there's probably a happy medium in there. Plus going by all the ads for VD medicine, seems 7 out of every 3 people have herpes/hpv/crotch rot/whatever-the-fuck and I've never considered sex, especially the boring sex you get with ordinary stupid women, worth that. Those cheap fuck-sluts are also the ones most likely to carry and I don't think Oven-off works on viral VD.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:47 am
by RJ93SS
if you dont want to do her, put it in her mouth, watch for cold soars :wink:

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:40 pm
by Redlined
evolutionmovement wrote:Haven't had a woman since the millenium change because I won't waste time and money (or my immune system) on someone who's beneath me. I have friends and enjoy my own company enough to dream of some day retiring to the woods alone. I might be the extreme and I sometimes wonder if indeed I am a human as that "need for companionship" thing seems to have mostly passed me by, but there's probably a happy medium in there. Plus going by all the ads for VD medicine, seems 7 out of every 3 people have herpes/hpv/crotch rot/whatever-the-fuck and I've never considered sex, especially the boring sex you get with ordinary stupid women, worth that. Those cheap fuck-sluts are also the ones most likely to carry and I don't think Oven-off works on viral VD.
I have to agree here... I also haven't shared my bed with a woman since the beginning of the new millenium. I do not date anymore. I think the whole thing is a farce. How can you expect to have a lasting, satisfying relationship if you spend the first few months doing everything you can to impress the other person? in the end you end up with someone you don't know who doesn't know you.

IN MY OPINION sex should be the benifit of a relationship. not the cause/basis/foundation of one. I am more than happy to enjoy the cerebral tranquility of celibacy until I find a woman that matches my personality.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:01 pm
by 93forestpearl
I won't act fake to impress a woman. Its just not worth it in the end. I think that is part of why so man relationships fail, since it takes so long to actually figure out who the other person really is.

It tough though when you spend a lot of time in a place with quite a bit of "talent" walking around...

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:29 pm
by evolutionmovement
I never act different to impress anybody. That works to either scare them (good riddance, the wusses) or quickly show our incompatibility (reducing wasted time) as I can easily admit with little fear of disagreement that I am not like most people.

But as much as I pride myself on my independence and individualism, it is heartening to know I am not alone in my thinking (there's always the lingering question of my sanity to consider). I can't think of any other site for anything where I could have posted what I did and got agreeable responses.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:35 am
by 93forestpearl
You aren't alone, but I do keep it a little more subdued than you do. I like women, but I will not put up with the stupid 21 y/olds that think they rule the world. For instance, I'll be in the 15 minute line for the bar that is 100ft away from my apartment, and some stupid bitches will try to cut in front. Being who I am, I'll yell, "The line is back there, bitch." Everyone looks at me, and I say, "What?" I don't have the patience for that stupid shit anymore, and all those young dumb asses get right out of the way and kiss the feet of these dumb broads that think they rule the world. Sorry, there are thousands of other good looking women out there, and if I piss you off, I'm not going to loose any sleep over it. But I would put it in your butt...

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:57 am
by beatersubi
Steve- Thats kind of a sexist misanthropic view of life, isn't it? If you're not going to reproduce in order to raise the collective intellegence then we're doomed for extinction. Or to be placed on display in zoos for puppies to laugh and point at. And the proper nomeclature is herpeghonosyphilaids.

OP- You don't need a woman. Be you're drunken dirty self and enjoy the view. If you find one who can tolerate you and appreciates you for who actually are, think about keeping her around.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:20 am
by Imprezive
Just to put things in perspective, my dad is 6yrs older than my mom. The age difference is negligible.

Dan, there are 22yr olds out there who you could get along with just fine, not all of them are crazy college whores. lol

It just depends what you want, I don't think that age has such a big effect, its a matter of life experience. If you are looking for pleasure then it sounds like you've already got the procedure down, if you want someone to spend time with, or build a relationship then skip the drunken parties and look for someone that fits your personality.

Focus on school, get that shit out of the way so you can really begin your life without the constraints of when the next paper or project or presentation is due, then you can really go out and find someone you want to spend more than a couple hours with.

oh yeah, and fuck all those romantic comedy movies. that shit never happens.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:41 pm
by evolutionmovement
Just misanthropic. The guys are the same, but I don't care about the guys. I'm not even sure I can reproduce with the talking monkeys out there. It depends on how closely related our species are. Jury's still out as to whether Neanderthals were absorbed into the human populace or died out independently as they don't know how compatible the two DNAs were. At any rate, I doubt my offspring would be able to reproduce as the likely union between me (elephant descendent) and a monkey descendent, if yielding a child, would result in sterile offspring. I hate spending money on women to have sex, why would I spend an exorbitant amount more for the thankless job of raising a kid? Besides, that, I hate kids and would be a horrible father (not to mention I'd be miserable having to raise a kid with a monkey that would piss me off just by being in the same room as me). Kids are the worst VD you can get unless that rumored disease that rots your junk off is real. I feel no selfish need to push on my genes that the world hasn't earned (and doesn't seem exactly all that keen to keep anyway) and use more resources.

And what the hell would I do with a kid during the zombie apocalypse? Wouldn't even hold them long if you threw the kid at the horde to buy you time so you could run.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:47 pm
by Binford
evolutionmovement wrote:Kids are the worst VD you can get unless that rumored disease that rots your junk off is real.
Quotable! :lol:

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:36 pm
by entirelyturbo
Don't you think we're throwing this 'misanthropy' word around a little too much lately?

Although it's being used in the correct fashion, it still seems to me like we're a bunch of 6-year-olds who just learned a new word and are just itching for an opportunity to use it.

I myself am on a year-long dry spell... no one has even seen me with my pants off since my ex.

That said, I'll quote a rather poignant saying I once heard: Sex is like oxygen... it's no big deal until you're not getting any.

I've been giving electrical outlets dirty looks, and if the universe ever does align correctly again and I actually do get laid, she's not leaving my bed for a whole weekend.

What's my problem? Honestly, nothing except myself. I don't try hardly at all, and if I get approached, it actually kinda pisses me off for some really weird reason.

I'm just still at a point where I just don't have any faith in women at all. I do sincerely hope that will change someday, but for now, that's how it is.

Anyway, anyone can say that they're more interested in a relationship than sex, but I just don't believe it anymore. People in a relationship want sex, and if they're not getting it, they will go elsewhere.

I'm not saying sex is all there is (although I'm probably shallow enough to stay in a bad relationship just for amazing sex). A truly successful relationship involves love, nurturing, forgiveness, and all that other nausea-inducing shit. But sex has to be a part of it, and a big part at that.

Dan, the OP: If your eyes are still wandering, then I say go ahead and nail the young whores. Put a helmet on as already suggested, of course. Get it out of your system entirely.

Once you feel that emptiness and bleak outlook toward the future, THEN you're all set to go for serious commitment :lol:

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:52 pm
by evolutionmovement
But a helmet only partially protects and, now I've never slept with a pig so maybe my experiences have been more pleasant than some, but I like to go down on a girl and a piece of rubber between you then is a decidedly uncool mood killer. Most relationships are about sex. Why else put up with someone's shit? Except for my ex. She's the hottest woman I've ever seen, but I'd be with her even if it meant no sex and it would never occur to me to wonder. Where would I wonder to, anyway? A monkey-woman? Don't care how long it's been, I'll never be into bestiality. I see it being kinda like those guys in prison who try to justify sex with men by stating that it's because they can't get women, but they're still straight. No, dude, you're gay. And I think I can say that with conviction as I haven't jammed it into anything in almost 9 years and I'm quite fine with that. I'm actually proud of my easy ability to control what for most people appear to be irresistible urges.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:47 pm
by entirelyturbo
Yeah, enough of this whole "you-must-be-gay-because-you-aren't-chasing-after-every-woman-in-sight" bullshit.

I'd rather just jerk off the rest of my life than jump the fence, and I've had plenty of opportunities to do it before.

I wanted to say this too... maybe I've just gotten extremely lucky, but I've been relatively irresponsible in some of my escapades. I've gone bareback with girls I was just banging and had no idea what their history was. I never used a rubber with my ex, and she didn't start taking birth control until a couple weeks after we got together.

Nothing's wrong down there, and I don't have any kids, so I must have done something right.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that don't be stupid, but don't wrap yourself in an invincibility bubble before you get down. Why bother if that's what you're gonna do?

If you're gonna get AIDS, a little piece of rubber isn't gonna help much.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:27 pm
by evolutionmovement
I think many of the guys chasing every woman in sight are the suspect ones - what are they trying to prove other than that they can't get a decent woman or a decent woman that wants to tolerate them for longer than a night or two? Don't think they want anyone to find out their secret closet existence and a long-term woman probably would figure that out. A lot of these guys spend plenty of time around other dudes, nearly naked, in gyms as well (yet, strangely, they're often homophobic). Whatever if that's what you are (gay people don't overpopulate the planet), but admit it, dammit, and stop annoying the rest of us! Of course, the guys I'm talking about won't be reading this.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:20 am
by 93forestpearl
I already pretty much know what I want, I had just had a few beers and was wondering what people here thought, because this forum is usually good for intellectual insight, unlike all the rest which make me want to smash my keyboard with my face.

Oh, and my motto has always been bag it, then tag it. So no worries in that department.

I'm not saying there aren't quality 22 y/olds out there, because there definitely are. Its just that in my situation, they are hard to find, and generally they are with some piece of shit anyways. The best women date the worst men it seems. Whatever. Honestly, I know of a 20 y/old or two that are great, but it would be hard if I couldn't even buy them a drink once in a while. I'd really feel like I was robbing the cradle. If I was 30 and they were 23, it would be a little different. Just a little, lol.

No worries. I'll have my fun, but I wouldn't pass on something good if it came about. Quality over quantity prevails, but if all you have is quantity, fine. I just don't spend exorbitant amounts of money chasing them around like some people I know. It is rare that I ever spend over $40 at a bar in a night, and that was one hell of a night for me. I don't usually buy your typical domestic swag light either. It completely baffles me that guys will spend hundreds of dollars in a night at the bar buying rounds of shots in a futile attempt to get some tang.

I could sit at home and save all my money, have a nicer car and all that bullshit, but I'm a socialite and would go crazy.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:58 am
by evolutionmovement
I think an old Wu-Tang Clan song had this: If you can't get yourself a ten, fuck five twos.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:19 am
by 93forestpearl
Did you seriously just say that. I cannot believe that you ever listened to the old Wu-Tang Clan. You really are the last person I expected to even know the Wu.

"So basically Method Man is like roll that shit, lite that shit, smoke that shit."

Not that I do anymore, but it brings back some serious memories...

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:36 pm
by evolutionmovement
Haven't really listened to them in years either, but I've got Hellz Wind Staff in my first book. Saw them play with Rage Against the Machine years ago. ODB was in jail. Or drugged out. I forget which.

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:36 pm
by RJ93SS
so the moral of the story is...

put on some wu tang and put in her motherfuckin mouth!

blow jobs are way safer than sex

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:33 pm
by JasonGrahn
fuck bitches, get money.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:54 pm
by 93forestpearl
^ You win the thread.