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Missing/ stolen EJ22t block there will be a reward if found

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:11 am
by thehookeup
My 22t block went missing recently. whether it was stolen or accidentally picked up. Im not sure. The block was in perfect condition with the exception of a very specific "mark" made by myself. My stomach has been in knots since i noticed it went missing. Like all of you know, this block is pretty damn rare(not for us cause were all ss boys), and subaru no longer has any new 22t blocks.

So if you know anyone who has mysteriously acquired a 22t block, bought one from someone shaddy, or just happens to know where it is. I will not hesitate to give a reward if it is my engine.
Im in Portland oregon, so the metro area, seattle pretty much the entire west coast, keep your eyes and ears open. thanks guys i appreciate it.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:28 am
by kimokalihi
That's crazy. Where did you have it at? I mean was it just sitting outside or something or did someone go in your garage and steal it?

I remember reading on another forum a while ago that this guy was building stuff for his car out in his garage one day and he went in for like 20 mins for lunch and came out and someone had stolen a bunch of tools while he was eating out of his garage! He could have seen them from his kitchen.

Some people got a lot of balls. I hate thieves. Hope you find your engine although unfortunately I doubt you will. Unless the person who did it runs his mouth bragging or something.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:34 am
by thehookeup
It was next to my tool box under a bench at work. yea its pretty terrible, very discouraging. Yea Im pretty much prepared to not get it back. But i cant let my mind rest until I exhaust every possible way of trying to find it.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 1:22 am
by AWD_addict
Good luck with your search. Maybe your coworkers are playing a practical joke on you?

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:47 am
by thehookeup
yea thought about that. but now its serious lol

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:29 am
by Zefy
i would phone up some metal recyclers and tell them what it is and what it looks like.

most thieves go for the easy money like a giant chunk of aluminium. :(

sucks dude... GL with the hunt.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:32 pm
by kimokalihi
Unfortunately for them it's not really easy money. I thought it would be easy money too. A friend and myself decided to take all these motors and tranny apart that were all aluminum including a never used aluminum V6 accord block. We dissassembled them as much as we could and brought it all to the metal place and they gave us shit prices for it. Ripped us off really good. In the hours it took us to do the work we ended up making like $5/hour! It was a huge waste of time.

Problem is, they won't give you aluminum prices for any aluminum that has any other sort of metal or material in it. The block had steel sleeves in it that we couldn't get out. All the other aluminum had other bolts and stuff that we couldn't get out and it has to be spotless too, no oil whatsoever. Otherwise they just give scrap metal price. Which is next to nothing.

After paying for the gas it took to get us there in the Ford pickup with the 460 in it, I lost money on that shitty deal.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 5:33 pm
by evolutionmovement
I thought the same thing with my old block, but the work to cut the sleeves out and remove the bolts was excessive as well as leaving me with very little weight in the end. Only a crack- or methhead would bother trying to get scrap money for it and might not have much means to move it. Aluminum isn't worth shit anyway—too little/lbs., too little lbs./volume. You need a truck load to make it anywhere near worthwhile. Also keep in mind that scrap yards give you what they feel they can get away with and if they don't know you, they will try to get away with the most. FBI has been cracking down lately on the yards as they're a good business to launder money through and there's been a lot of theft from construction sites and such as well. Around here, they won't take scrap metal unless you show up with a car (though I doubt someone would hump in the engine block on foot—even a crackhead) so they can take down your plate number. Check around and there may be someone who turned away an engine block or, perhaps, bought it. Worst case then, you buy it back for scrap value. If it hasn't been buried, damaged, or shipped away.

I definitely think it's one of these newer Subaru douchebags. In the '80's, the same breed of shitheads wore mullets and drove Camaros or had their parents buy them 5.0 Mustangs and they didn't have the mullets.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:49 pm
by toomuch
I recently recycled some intake manifolds and the recycler said "oh, irony aluminum, I pay .40 per pound for that" it actually was pretty good money for what I had and this was before aluminum went up in value recently. According to him, irony aluminum is a grade of scrap just like steel or aluminum and highly marketable but as previously mentioned, you need a scrapper that is willing to deal straight and give you a fair price.

Watch Craigslist for your block, lots of shady stuff there...GL

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:16 am
by dzx
I hate thiefs, last night someone opened the driver side door of my car while it was parked on the street at my friend's house in Longmont. It set my car alarm off and when i got out there, the door was still slightly open and the dome light was on. I think it was a team of two minority boys and two girls working together but by the time I decided it was probably them and went back to find them they were driving off. I did see one of them checking people's doors before they jumped into their own car and left.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:29 pm
by Kelly
Where do you work?

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:30 pm
by smh0101
EDITED: keepin my mouth shut... i didnt say anything wrong or mean though ;)

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 12:47 am
by Kelly

Well, I cant tell you how many of my parts went into the trash because of Seans crazy cleaning sprees. He prolly accidentlly tossed it out, and not caring at all about anyone but himself, he wouldn't even give you the respect of admitting it to you. He put a whole transmission of mine in the DUMPSTER! "Oh, sorry buddy" ya, fuck you Sean.

If its not his, or not new, he doesnt care about it.

Jeesus Im so glad I left that place.


and sorry man, :(

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 12:57 am
by evolutionmovement
I can't stand clean freaks.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:09 am
by thehookeup
i would rather not bring my work into this guys

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:13 am
by douglas vincent
thehookeup wrote:i would rather not bring my work into this guys
Male Prostitution is not "work" :roll:

No word on my end.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 2:29 pm
by lunes
Man, sounds like thieves are popping up everywhere now... I left my car parked in a well lit lot overnight Thursday and someone yanked and ran off with a corner marker from my legacy. :x

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:07 pm
by evolutionmovement
Economy. It'll only get worse. I'm glad I live where I do.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:13 pm
by kimokalihi
lunes wrote:Man, sounds like thieves are popping up everywhere now... I left my car parked in a well lit lot overnight Thursday and someone yanked and ran off with a corner marker from my legacy. :x
Do you know how hard it is to find those things unbroken? Stupid bastard at walmart let their cart smash into my poor legacy and shattered the coner light and even ripped it out and tore the wiring out. Of course they just took off while I was in the store so I got to come out to my car and discover it. I was PISSED! But then I thought,"I'll just go to the junkyard and there's several legacy's there." I was wrong. There's plenty of legacy's but none have corner lights left.

That's probably the worst designed part of our cars. The stupid tab that holds the corner light in breaks off along with the tab that you put the screw through. Nearly every legacy I see has at least one broken corner light. There's one at my work that I see all the time with duct tape holding the corner light on.

In fact i drove around for months with electrical tape holding my corner light on til I was able to locate an unbroken one. Then I sold it and yesterday I found out my sister got it impounded after having the car a little over a week.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:32 pm
by evolutionmovement
I fixed mine with that flexible metal shit they sell to hang paintings and such. Cut strip, self-tap screw to lens body, drill hole for mounting screw, and attach. It doesn't line up dead perfect because I was lazy. Strips of fiberglass matting should do an even better job.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:37 pm
by tahiti350
lunes wrote:Man, sounds like thieves are popping up everywhere now... I left my car parked in a well lit lot overnight Thursday and someone yanked and ran off with a corner marker from my legacy. :x
Which corner? I have a few extra corner marker lights (I like to keep a few for emergencies....

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:23 am
by adema2626
i dont know theres been a new EJ22T block on craigslist which is also listed with a used EJ22T block if that helps any. heres the page.