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Reason why i hate ice and pennsylvania winter trucks.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 3:07 pm
by SubaruDriftBoy
Hello everyone, i know ive not been a big influence here on the site since i pretty much sold my BC legacy to get something bigger but i thought since i just had a death in my subaru family, someone may be interested to see what really saved my life and hear my story.

Sunday morning i woke up to see snow on the ground so i figured since i had a 97 2.5GT wagon 5 speed id have no problem in a little dusting of snow. i was on my way to work at 7:30 in the morning, working an hour away i gave myself plenty of time not to speed. at about 8:00 in the morning i was about halfway to work and just about to be on the safest road possible, i was coming down the downside of Junction 901 (gordon nagle trail) into cressona when my ordeal happened. i hit black ice under the snow and my car went completely sideways, i tried counter steering, throttle, brake, even ebrake to spin it around so i wouldnt have a front impact. but nothing i tried did anything for me. i remember hitting the bank and then when i woke up i was hanging upside down from my seatbelt and feeling like i was just hit by a train. i turned off my car and pretty much paniced to get out but thankfully 2 good samaritans came and opened my driver door somehow. as i laid there a nurse from lehigh Valley hospital came and made me sit in her truck with her hands around my neck and her chest on the back of my neck aswell, just so i didnt move my neck around too much :wink: but i was taken to the hospital and given a "clean" bill of health and off i went with muscle relaxers for my broken nose, rib and 2 fingers. coulda been a lot worse for me aswell.. here are the pics.
merry christmas everyone... :(

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 3:17 pm
by kimokalihi
That's terrible. Glad you're alright. I'm curious though, what did that have to do with winter trucks?

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 3:19 pm
by SubaruDriftBoy
kimokalihi wrote:That's terrible. Glad you're alright. I'm curious though, what did that have to do with winter trucks?
Because 2 minutes after being outside of my car, a plow truck drove past that was sitting at a dunkin donuts eating donuts and drinking coffee and having cigarettes as he watched cars go on the covered un plowed road.. thats why =D

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 3:37 pm
by evolutionmovement
Getting paid good money the whole time, too, no doubt. Car looks pretty good for flipping over. Good thing you're OK. Too bad about that beautiful GT.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 6:03 pm
by ericem
Sucks man,but the main thing is you are alright. Do you think some decent snow tires could have prevented this?

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:40 pm
by kimokalihi
I doubt it. He said black ice was the cause. I put studded snow tires on my metro and it still slides all over the road like it's on regular tires. I was very dissappointed in the difference those damn tires made.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 10:30 pm
by Brat4by4
kimokalihi wrote:I doubt it. He said black ice was the cause. I put studded snow tires on my metro and it still slides all over the road like it's on regular tires. I was very dissappointed in the difference those damn tires made.
Umm, it always do better with the correct tires for the situation. That doesn't mean it will always stop or avoid the accident, but you might go in just not as fast... :lol:

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 11:15 pm
by drewriviera
Damn horrible accident, I absolutely hate to see a nice car messed up too! Why can't we all be driving Pintos when this happens? :lol: You said something about the guy watching people crash? I remember one time here in NC I was driving a perfectly good Jeep (in 4 wheel drive and good tires) and slid right off the road into a huge ditch, while a dickhead predatory tow truck driver sat and watched. He sat around the corner where you couldn't see him until you were in the hole already. Then, he waited until about 5 cars got stuck back to back in the ditch, then came over and basically raped us....he charged us $50 a piece to pull our cars out, with each person in front or behind you already late for work and pissed if you didn't want to shell out the dough to get your car out. See, each person blocked each other in. Anyway, after about 10 minutes work (that the asshole got paid $250 for) he got back in his truck and backed up around the corner to watch and wait for the next round of people to fall in the ditch. Wonders never cease huh?

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:07 am
by kimokalihi
I would be glad to pay $50 to get my car out of a ditch promptly. I thought you had to pay more like $300 for someone to come out and do it? I dunno I've never had to get pulled out. Always got myself out or called somebody else.

He's got to make money just like the rest of us though. I guess it would be nice if he put up a sign or something warning people ahead of time that it's bad up ahead.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:34 am
by SubaruDriftBoy
well i got my new car tonight and my fine from the police department... $120 for crossing lanes in an dual yellow line or some crap like that.. how rediculous is that! and if anyone was curious i picked up a 2000 legacy gt limited sedan titanium metalic outside ( looks more gold to me) and black leather inside, only thing im not happy with is it is a 4EAT but hey, its a way to work.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:29 am
by Snowolf2
The police fined you for hitting black ice and the car sliding over the line?!?!

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:12 pm
by evolutionmovement
I love cops.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:58 pm
by entirelyturbo
I ultimately think we'd be better off as an anarchy.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:47 am
dang sounds like you got lucky. good little subaru saved you. i did the same thing in my Jeep except i lind of deserved it. i was on a dirt trail that i used for work and one after noon 4 hours before my sisters wedding i decided iwas going to try and drift my jeep around a blind curve. of course everytime i drove this rode i never saw anyone but when i went for it another Jeep came flying around so i slung it to the right and then noticed i was heading for the ditch so i thought i turned it to the left and throttled it but i ended up hitting the ditch did a 180 then then rolled onceand landed on the roof, when i came to i was upside down and couldnt get out cause the seat belt was locked. so i had to crawl out. the only injury i had was that some how i managed to land in a giant ant farm or something cause i was covered in ants. i was very lucky i would have to say cause i could have hit that Jeep or done worse to my self for being a dumb ass.

did your air bags go off. it sucks when you realize you had an accident and your bags didnt go off. of course they are for front chrashes but still.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:28 am
by SubaruDriftBoy
yes, i was fined for crossing the yellow line illegally.. like i had a fricken choice.. and yeah my airbags did NOT deploy, even though i hit the embankment head on before blacking out and rolling over.. god i love PA...

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:41 am
by evolutionmovement
You could probably fight that. And waste a day or two in court (in MA, it wastes 2 days—1st day for a hearing where they'll likely cut the ticket in half and discourage you from pursuing it further and the 2nd day to go to court for it), costing more than the ticket. I'll take an honest criminal over the ones that call themselves "cops" any day.