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getting pulled over.

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:50 am
by legacy<man
anyone ever get pulled over in there Legacy sport just because of having a turbo badge sticker on the back. i was talking to a local cop and he was telling me to watch out. That alot of law inforcement here in Colorado will pull u over.

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:34 am
by Mattheww044
if your not doing anything illegal, you won't get pulled over. If you happen to get a "dickhead" cop, he can't ticket you for having a turbo car.... don't do anything illegal, cant get in trouble. (I am in no means saying I haven't gotten pulled over, but when I have, its because of my actions not because of what I am driving)

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:56 am
by All_talk
I don’t think the turbo badge has ever got me stopped but the straight through 3” TBE sure has. Funny thing is when the see it’s a 40 year old fat guy behind the wheel they always let me off with a “this thing is pretty loud” comment. I consider it an early senior citizen discount. :P


Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:24 am
by BSOD2600
Nope, never heard of such a thing. Never was pulled over in the TW with all my same exhaust/engine parts over the 2 years it was around.

Been pulled over 4x in the SS:
* speeding (lasered via overpass by state trooper). Lawyer reduced ticket to no seatbelt fine.
* Exhaust noise (no ticket)
* "quickly accelerating from a light" (no ticket)
* blew by a parked cop speeding, thankfully she didn't have her radar on. Luckly had my laptop with me. "I was data logging new fuel trims, Officer. Want to see?" (no ticket).

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:27 am
by epicfail
Seriously? "quickly accelerating from a light" warrants being stopped?
IMO if a cop wants to pull a driver over, they have enough rules and regulations at their disposal to find justification.
Being that there are a few LEO types frequenting this board, lets hear it from them. Have any of you ever stereotyped a motorist based on their 'ride'?

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:36 am
by Smithcraft
Quickly accelerating from a light, was referred to as Exhibition of Speed back when I lived down in the Los Angeles area.

It's just one of those things that are so vague and cover so much ground that it can be used for almost anything.

Also, speeding tickets usually aren't speeding tickets, but Violation of the Basic Speed Law tickets - driving too fast for road conditions.


Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:43 pm
by legacy<man
yeah ive been stoped for so called "my exaust is way to loud" but i told the officer what do u want me to do add another catalytic converter ive already have to. and he let me go.

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:56 pm
by evolutionmovement
I used to get harassed in my GLs, but only get pulled over for speeding, and infrequently as I get older.

I did get that same BS about accelerating from a light in my 73 HP 1983 GL! Danvers MA was notorious for their borderline retarded wannabe tyrants who had nothing to do all day, but harass citizens. They paint their crosswalks with some kind of low-friction paint and I was waiting, with my wheels on it, for an opening to turn left at a busy intersection. A pig passed by, then the rare person waved me to go. Front tires chirped on the paint and I made the turn, watching to see if the monkey would follow me (like I said, these pigs were ridiculous, so I was justifiably paranoid). Sure enough, I see dipshit turn down a parallel road, so I drive under the speed limit. To avoid the harassment and the ensuing rage I was sure would make have me laughingly blow one of them away someday, I ducked into a quiet neighborhood.

Of course, because I had been driving so slow, he came out behind me and followed. So I came to a stop at the stop sign, obnoxiously leaning forward and taking about 10 seconds to look both ways down the quiet streets, then proceeded forward. The lights came on and I pulled over. He gave me the typical stupid question about if I "was in a hurry" (they all share a single brain and creativity holds no place in it) because I accelerated quickly from the stop, so I responded that the paint back there is low friction, but I might have gotten off the clutch a little quick so I didn't have to slow down the nice guy behind him that had waved me to go, but with 73 HP, there's no way I "accelerated quickly" from anything and he was free to take the car for a drive and try to do what he's accusing me of. So then he changed tack and asked me why I BLEW THE STOP SIGN right before I got pulled over. Uh, what?! I told him I knew Danvers cops had nothing to do all day but harass people, so I had watched him come around the block to follow me. I made sure I drove under the speed limit and came to a stop in the most obnoxious manner I could manage for his benefit and the only way I could have stopped more was if I parked and got out of the car, but then he could have gotten me for double parking. He left and came back, giving me one of my few written warnings.

That was one of several BS times I was pulled over, as opposed to the other times when I was definitely speeding, but the harassment doesn't happen anymore. I think what makes you the biggest target of all is just being young. Or a minority, but I'm not one. Then again, maybe it was just a Danvers thing since they only allow a handful of minorities in their little pussy town and without any other group to discriminate against, they chose young people.

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:35 pm
by magicmike
you want to hear a bullshit ticket for chirping the tires at a read light when I first got my license?

"Care in starting from stop." Yes folks this was what the ticket read.

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:53 pm
by cj91legss
one thing that pisses me off about the police and their "loud and obnoxious exhaust" is the fact that a harley davidson is extremely worse compared to our cars.....


Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:57 pm
by kimokalihi
cj91legss wrote:one thing that pisses me off about the police and their "loud and obnoxious exhaust" is the fact that a harley davidson is extremely worse compared to our cars.....

No doubt! That REALLY pisses me off. No car is as loud and ridiculous as harleys and they fuckin come off the line like that! WTF? C'mon assholes, that's not right.

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:58 pm
by cj91legss
no it's not

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:21 pm
by Lunatech
Been pulled over 16 times in the last 4 years. No turbo, no speeding. Just BS.

Multiple times for alleged turn signal issues:allegedly not using signal far enough before lane change or turn, using too far before lane change or turn, not using at all.

Got pulled over by a state trooper,who almost ran me off the road and almost caused a multi car pile up on the freeway, just to get to me, and the reason he said he pulled me over "It looked like you were not wearing your seatbelt properly" Clearly I was wearing it the only way you can, so he ran my license and registration, came back to me and asked where I was going. I told him and he said sorry for the misunderstanding. He left, I left. I got to thinking about him asking me where I was going and I took the long way there. Low and behold, I came in the back driveway of the place pulled around to the front and there was a city cop sitting in the parking lot across the street. I went inside and took care of my business, came outside and he was still there. I get in, go out the back driveway pull out on the street, and he came speeding up behind me, must have been doing 60mph,(SCHOOL ZONE) I was afraid he would hit me if I didn't get out of the way. He did not have his lights on and I did not have 100 feet to signal before I turned to get out of his way, so I decide to let him hit me if that's what is going to happen. Well, he didn't hit me, but he did pull me over. Guess why...he thought I wasn't wearing my seatbelt properly.

Got pulled over because "a CHEVY just like this one was reported stolen in the area" detained over an hour.

My all time favorite, LOL, "your tail lights looked dim". This was at 11:00 AM or so, on a clear sunny day. Not even required to have lights on, but I usually have them on, for safety, visibility to other drivers, etc. Two cruisers showed up for that one. One of the officers stood at the driver side door, with his hand on his side arm, and made sure I kept my hands where he could see them while the other went from the back to the front having me turn on the signals, step on the brake, turn on and off the head lights, and hazards. I made the mistake of trying to joke around with them by saying "why don't you check the oil while you are at it?" Got cuffed and stuffed for about 15 minutes while they looked at my car, humiliating! They did not even open the doors, trunk, hood, or any thing. They just looked in through the windows, looked under the car, and checked the body panels, for dents I suppose. Then the really big one let me out, took the cuffs off me and told me to have a nice day.

Now, I realize I must look like a hoodlum driving around in a SUIT & TIE!


Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:18 am
by Redlined
number one on my list is police following you just a couple feet off your rear bumper with the intent of intimidating you into speeding or bumbling into making an error while watching your rear view so they can pull you over. I have actually break checked a police officer doing that after flashing my break lights at him two or thee times.

IN MY OPINION, Police that follow to close with the intent of intimidating you into breaking the law falls under *Entrapment*. I have actually thought through the conversation the day one follows me to close, get stopped. get out of my vehicle and walk back to his Ëxcuse me sir. are you familier with the Oregon state guidelines for following another vehicle?"

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:17 am
by evolutionmovement
Don't you know they can defy physics with all their training? I've been thinking about setting up a camera to film them when they do that so I can report them for tailgating, but I'd need to be able to get the plate number (and so mount it in my bumper) as well as the roof to show their lights weren't on and that would require two cameras and it's just not worth it as it's a rare occurrence and reporting them would probably just put me on a list of people to harass. When I build this 3-wheeler, I can just imagine the BS I'll have to deal with, so whether or not the laws change so I can swap rear view cameras for mirrors, I'm putting one in with the ability to record (for my own safety) and I'm definitely taking printed copies of the vehicle codes of every state I may pass through as well as any paperwork I get when the car is certified by the MA DMV. I'll need to fit a big glove box. "Papers, please."

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 4:42 pm
by legacy92ej22t
Here in Montoursville PA they have a law that says they can pull someone over for "Good driving"! Then if they have cause (smell herb or alcohol on your breath) they can search your car and shit. fucking bullshit law for sure...... It's supposed to be that they thank you for being a good driver but that's a load of shit.

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:04 pm
by legacy<man
legacy92ej22t wrote:Here in Montoursville PA they have a law that says they can pull someone over for "Good driving"! Then if they have cause (smell herb or alcohol on your breath) they can search your car and shit. fucking bullshit law for sure...... It's supposed to be that they thank you for being a good driver but that's a load of shit.
thats b.s. here they cant search your car without a warrant. ive been pulled over before and they ask if they can search my car. so i get out lock the doors and close them. and just say opps i accidently locked my doors with the key inside. and they will just leave.

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:39 pm
by fishbone79
I carry a tape recorder in that little cigarette-sized pocket to the left of the steering wheel. I flick it on when I get pulled over. It has made 3 cops very red when I whip out my recording and demonstrate to the judge how they have lied under oath in their testimony (all were for completely bogus tickets). One piggie was so mad after the judge scolded him for lying that he followed me for 10 miles after I left the court.... Man was that guy mad. I just smiled and waved my video camera and made it clear I was video taping his little feather-fluffing dominance display.

That is why I have very little respect for the law. That, and the way our system is setup, it's guaranteed that only the dumbest (read prone to napolean complexes) become police officers.

Re: getting pulled over.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:44 am
by 206er
legacy<man wrote:anyone ever get pulled over in there Legacy sport just because of having a turbo badge sticker on the back. i was talking to a local cop and he was telling me to watch out. That alot of law inforcement here in Colorado will pull u over.
CO cops are freakin pricks. and there's way too many of em in the smaller cities and towns.


Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:06 pm
by Imprezive
Mattheww044 wrote:if your not doing anything illegal, you won't get pulled over.

^^ not true at all.

but to answer your question i really doubt any cop is going to be able to see that badge and if he can its because he's already on your rear bumper getting plate # because you already did something to set him off.

besides most cops see these legacy's and go "whats that, a nissan maxima?"


Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:52 pm
by Apex3
Mattheww044 wrote:if your not doing anything illegal, you won't get pulled over. If you happen to get a "dickhead" cop, he can't ticket you for having a turbo car.... don't do anything illegal, cant get in trouble. (I am in no means saying I haven't gotten pulled over, but when I have, its because of my actions not because of what I am driving)
HA! Good one! I suggest you don't spend much time in north Idaho, unless you want to find out the hard way that this is not true.

But to answer the question, no a cop won't pull you over for the turbo badge, he'd have to be 3 feet away to even be able to read it.

I've been followed a few times by cops, one actually turned around and followed me for 5 miles until I was out of the county about a month ago, I have nothing to suggest I'd be doing anything, I have mudflaps, that's the only visible mod, though once he turned around I suppose he could see my exhaust, but he stayed pretty far back. The weird part is I rarely ever was followed in my BMW that was lowered on rims with an exhaust and smoked headlights, it wasn't exactly subtle.

Re: getting pulled over.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:17 am
by Mattheww044
well I shouldn't say if your not doing anything illegal, you wont get pulled over, its more like if your not doing anything illegal, you won't get a citation. he can make up any reason he wants to pull you over, but if you haven't done anything wrong, you most likely wont get a ticket. Im not saying that there aren't dickhead cops who will lie or bs or w/e to get you a ticket, but if they don't have proof then usually you can fight it off. The only time I ever have trouble is when I do something illegal and there just happens to be a cop. ("Prohibited U-Turn", speeding, etc.)

Re: getting pulled over.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:19 am
by Mattheww044
my thoughts on it are, if your not doing anything wrong, havent done anything wrong recently, and don't have anything illegal on you, why stress about a cop following you? Let him follow you and go about your business, if he does pull you over, he doesn't have shit on you.

Re: getting pulled over.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:59 am
by Apex3
Mattheww044 wrote:my thoughts on it are, if your not doing anything wrong, havent done anything wrong recently, and don't have anything illegal on you, why stress about a cop following you? Let him follow you and go about your business, if he does pull you over, he doesn't have shit on you.
I was pulled over in Sandpoint because some random lady who was driving by herself SAID that I cut her off and forced her in the opposite lane, none of this was true, no copes were around, I was stopped for it down the road, he talked about it for about 2 minutes, then proceeded to harass me and my passenger trying to find out if I had drugs in the car, he had me outside for an hour in sub freezing temperatures in a t-shirt, of course I wouldn't let him search and that's why he was mad, but if I did nothing wrong then he has no reason to search to begin with and shouldn't even be asking, especially not at 10AM. I've come to the conclusion that the whole reason he was harassing me so much about drugs was because I had a WSU sticker on my window.

After all of this he gave me a misdemeanor for 'Inattentive or careless driving', with a $300-1000 fine. I ended up having to drive back to Sandpoint 3 hours away just for the hearing, where they dropped it to a $75 ticket for some other crap because they knew it was BS, and scheduled a court date for the summer time when I'd be back in Seattle, I would have had to drive 7 hours to fight the stupid bullshit, but my parents pay my insurance and wouldn't let me go fight it, I wanted to out of principle though.

In another instance I was cited for my license plate lights being out, after the ticket I got out and looked, they were working perfectly fine. The reason he pulled me over? He was behind me and a coke spilled in my backseat, so I pulled into a parking lot and he thought I was trying to avoid him.

So YES I do have something to worry about whether I'm doing something wrong or not.

Re: getting pulled over.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:51 am
by fishbone79
This is why I tape record them - their whole tune changes once they know they are on tape, but the trick is to get them to say something unprofessional before you let them know (usually not too hard). After they know that you've recorded the jackass thing they just said/did they'll usually let you go, lest that gem pop up in front of a judge.

Cops are not to be trusted - Jefferson knew it, Franklin knew it, Livingston knew it, Adams knew it.... What's wrong with us?