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BC5 model

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:31 am
4:29am cant sleep this is what i am looking at.

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:39 pm
by stipro
I cant sleep either, and that is definitely worth looking at. Really cool!

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:18 pm
by evolutionmovement
That's what I wanted to do with that black waist trim, but it's too much work.

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:33 pm
9:33am & im still up !! even that modle car has the dam front lip. we in north america got ripped off i tell you !!

evolutionmovement what do you mean waist trim? what did you want to do.

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:33 pm
by beatersubi
:smt023 Thanks for the inspiration.

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:48 pm
by evolutionmovement
The black trim that goes around the car. I wanted to fill in the indents and smooth it into the bumpers and paint it body color and replace the sides on the doors and fender with the trim from the BD cars. THe problem is that the BD trim is narrower, so I'd have to partly fill the indent from the old trim on the doors anyway and all for a car where I'd maybe encounter 2 people who'd even notice, so I gave up on that. Maybe if I was loaded, I'd pay someone to do it for me, but as it is, this damn house is costing me money that should be going to my Tigershark car project, never mind the Legacy.

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:31 am
need the front lip

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:47 am
by ericem
Perfect idea!! Paint over front and rear bumper black trim, paint trim near windshield and roof same colour as body. paint mirrors, orange corners turbo grill with chrome outer rim.

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:21 am
evolutionmovement wrote:The black trim that goes around the car. I wanted to fill in the indents and smooth it into the bumpers and paint it body color and replace the sides on the doors and fender with the trim from the BD cars. THe problem is that the BD trim is narrower, so I'd have to partly fill the indent from the old trim on the doors anyway and all for a car where I'd maybe encounter 2 people who'd even notice, so I gave up on that. Maybe if I was loaded, I'd pay someone to do it for me, but as it is, this damn house is costing me money that should be going to my Tigershark car project, never mind the Legacy.
a house is better in everyway !! but i get what your saying about the car now. i really didnt notice the other things at all, i was looking at how nice the lip was.

maybe i should have painted my stuff like that, i guess i could still do it. the more i look at this the more i am likeing it.

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:04 pm
by evolutionmovement
I prefer the ground clearance for jumping islands and such and have too much to do to try making a lip myself, but what about making one? The bumper material is polypropylene and a sheet of the stuff should be fairly cheap and give you the chance to try making a few of them in case of mistakes. That said, you wouldn't have to make it out of PP unless you wanted to plastic weld it to the original bumper (which might really confuse the few people who notice into thinking you have some kind of rare OEM piece). Fiberglass would work, too, of course. I couldn't help much with advice for forming PP as all I've done is weld it, so I don't know how easy it is to form with a heat gun. I have done ABS, which is also a weldable thermoplastic (though it won't weld to the PP if it matters), and that's not too bad to form. Made a front air dam, in fact, but for a GL. Here's a bad picture, but the sides are bent to conform to the sides of the lower pan it's bolted to:

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:23 pm
^^ LOL you are so right on jumping curbs, islands, and those round about things that i like driveing up on at full tilt.

some good ideas on make this lip, but i been looking and there is nothing nice out there to do it with. i really like that GL one you made, it works and thats that !!! im just going to keep my eye out and something will pop up.

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:53 pm
by evolutionmovement
I was going for a 70s European sports sedan look with the lip. It increased straight line stability and brought the rear end around in higher speed corners (sometimes too much, like in the rain). I think there was a slight increase in mileage, but I can't remember now. Wouldn't have been much if there was. All I did was form what I wanted with a piece of cardboard, trace it onto a sheet of ABS, cut it, and mount the front of it. Then I got the angle I wanted for the wrap-around sides and formed them with a heat gun. To be sure it wouldn't bow in in the center on the highway, I reinforced the lower edge with a piece of 90* aluminum on the back (which is what the small screws along the bottom are holding on).

In my first book, the Legacy wagon has pneumatic pistons that can lower an airdam and side skirts at high speed. Most of the time, they tuck up, hidden under the car for ground clearance and more of a sleeper appearance.

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:59 pm
it look old school thats for sure, i rember old school fits spiders and coupes that had front lips like that. that gives me idea i have a old lip in the house somewhere !! you just gave me a great idea evolutionmovement !!! wonder if it will fit now.

do you think if i add a lip it would make my car rear end come out ?

i got to read this book you made ! sounds crazy.

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:30 pm
by evolutionmovement
If it works, it might. You'll be decreasing the pressure under the front, but not doing much to the rear, so the rear will lift as it always had. What speed it makes a difference at is another matter. The GLs' aerodynamics were much worse than the Legacy, so the effects were noticeable at lower speeds. I was going to put an adjustable rear ducktail spoiler on it to balance it, but never got around to it.

You can order the book anywhere: Midnight in a Perfect World. I know a few people bought it off Amazon Canada. The 1990 wagon in the book used waste air from a blow off valve to fill a small compressed air tank that ran the pneumatics for the aero. When I originally wrote the book, I had the main character use my design for an antilag system that used a compressed air tank filled by the blow off valve and excess boost. In the book, it didn't work, but he adapted the idea to run the moving aerodynamic devices. In reality, I found out the system DOES work as something very similar was briefly used by Ford and Subaru in WRC before it was outlawed. I think I took it out of the book as I didn't want to bore people who weren't into cars. Then again, I might have left it in. I hope so, as it's a good display of the character's creativity, which he uses even more in the later books.

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:16 pm
dude you got me so excited what you think ? its a antic lip from a fiat 124 coupe.

its made plastic, so i could heat it up and mold it perfect to the bumber. but its looks to heat but it should work.




that book sounds crazy, i cant even think of the last time i read a book LOL cat in the hat hahah. but im going to get it thats for sure, it be some good reads bye the sounds of it.

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:53 pm
by evolutionmovement
Yeah, that old chin spoiler was what I was thinking with my GL. That's plastic? If you don't mind the risk of wrecking it, you could try to bend it with a heat gun. Is there any kind of stamp or something on the back that says what kind of plastic it is? It would be a small stamp with 2 or 3 letters. If not, just heat it slowly, starting on the back, and see how it goes. Some plastics blister easily. Maybe if you could bend the middle part forward, it would meet the bottom of the bumper better? That actually looks way better than I would think if someone said to me they were going to stick an old Fiat 124 chin spoiler on a Legacy! If you can get it to mate up. If you can find what kind of plastic it is, you might be able to modify it better too (make it wider or whatever as it looks a little narrow in the picture). You could also use it as a kind of template for a custom one that molds to the bumper. Damn, then you could even make the scoops functional for. . .I don't know—something.

I love how you always have these great weirdo cars in the background and you don't even seem to give a shit! I always liked the Lancia Scorpions (the mid-engine car based on the Beta next to the Legacy). Generally unreliable, slow, and not worth much. . .maybe I'm the weirdo for liking the things!

I wrote the book for people who don't read much fiction because they find it boring. I'm one of them. I find it too hard to find books that are entertaining, yet also have something to say. I don't like to read just for entertainment and the books that say something very rarely pull me into the story—I'm always aware that I'm reading—and, while I read, I don't get real excited about it. Pretty much, I wanted to make a cable series like you'd find on Showtime, but since that's way out of my budget, so I'm writing a series I'd like to watch.

Re: BC5 model

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:46 am
LOL on your second paragraph, to funny !! im with you on being weird about likeing those old car's, for me they where just around. my father and cusins haveing all kinds of weird cars.

we think a like !! i really didnt want to heat the lip also,(becuse its old lol) but its my dads idea and its his. i want to make a copy & use a old bumber to make a new one that will fit perfect on the legacy. also the ducts in the middle would work perfect for brake coolers. i have some old school lamborghini intake pipe's that would work perfect to direct air on the brakes. i all ways wanted to try and make something like this in fiberglass, then i can try carbon.

once i learn how to do this lip, im going to make all kinds of aero parts for this car. just under panles to direct air nothing crazy lol.

the way you tell me about your book! its more to my likeing, that i could sit and read it. a friend of mine does what you want to do with the tv thing, he is working on a series also. its pretty crazy he has like a stack and i mean a stack of papers that adds up to like 20min of tv world time !!! its a crazy thing to get in to, i would lose my mind thats for sure.