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Had a run in with Bambi today

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:22 am
by Richard
It's been a while since I've been on here. I still lurk here and there still and check the ashtray out. But I decided to post that I smacked into a deer - actually it hit me - with the SS today coming from work. I live in the 'burbs now with my wife and there are a few farms in the area. I was doing about 45 following a guy on a motorcycle and I saw a deer run across the street and barely missed the bike. My first thought was "Damn, that guy on the bike was lucky. That would've sucked big time." I should have been thinking "Oh snap, where there's one deer, there's always one or two more" and laid on the brakes. Because just after finishing the thought about the bike, all I heard was my driver side body make a huge BANG and I saw a deer flop over in the rearview. I got out and looked at the side of my car - dented and mashed to all hell, plus hair as a bonus! The deer was smack dab in the middle of the road, torn up, and as I got closer I saw that it had been pregnant. All I'll say that there were actually 2 deer on the road. I don't think either lived more than a second or two after the hit. I'm a hunter and all, just shot my first two last fall. But this kinda got to me. I think it was the fawn. My car's trashed and this is the last straw for it I think. I needed to do a wheel bearing, cv, brakes and tires all around, fix a leak or two, and who knows what else. I was going to fix it and rock it until fall or winter and get something newer. This kinda puts the kabash on that. I love this car and I loved to drive it even more. I've been looking at it like a cancer patient lately, knowing the end wasn't going to be too far away. I've had my foot into it more than not, but it still came to life every day and made me enjoy my 30 minute commute. I flew myself and a friend to LA of all places to get this car. It was the treasure I found after searching for months and months until I found the perfect car and perfect seller. And a stupid assed deer decided to t-bone ME of all people. In hindsight, I'm glad I bit it and not the guy on the bike. I haven't had to render emergency first aid in a while and I like it like that. Nor would that have been a good sight, being front and center of the whole thing.

But my wife showed me this and a bag of hot Jamaican jerk beef jerky:

Thoughts? I know I likey, and it's worthy of some boost.

Re: Had a run in with Bambi today

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:36 am
by Apex3
Looks like a pretty good deal, make sure to ask if he started it occasionally while it was in storage, otherwise you'll probably have to replace some things after it sat for 2 years.

Re: Had a run in with Bambi today

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:43 am
by Richard
I found better pics of it on and it looks like it has some dings on the right quarter and something's going on near the tail light on the left quarter. I have a parts car with a good door and fender, so I'm probably going to throw that on, fix the trouble, and sell it. Or maybe keep it as a winter beater.

Just for shits, if it had sat for two years what might I need to replace?

Re: Had a run in with Bambi today

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:53 am
by Apex3
Well when I was looking I couldn't find any 2.5s for that price, I found one for $5k and it sold within the day, cash in hand and car gone, it was kind of sketchy though so I'm not too upset about it. Subarus are crazy popular up here though so it's possible they go for more here too.

I'm not too familiar with what happens to cars that have been sitting to be honest, I just know they don't like it, IIRC it's typically normal maintenance kind of stuff, spark plugs, distributor cap and rotor, oil and gas obviously, and the fuel lines could be cracked, maybe the battery. Shouldn't be a huge deal but something to ask about.

Re: Had a run in with Bambi today

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:19 am
by evolutionmovement
Some cars tolerate sitting more than others. I'm not looking forward to getting mine up after 5 years' sleep, though the Subarus seem to be OK with the Rip Van Winkle thing. Brakes will probably be stuck. They may free up after a little bit, they might not. Clutch might not be happy, either, but that should be obvious right away. You'll want to change the brake fluid, coolant, and oil. Throw some good gas in, too, and drive through the tank quickly. I'd also change the fuel filter after that. I wonder if the timing belt could get weird from sitting all that time also.

Re: Had a run in with Bambi today

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:03 am
by Mattheww044
I should have taken pics when I hit a deer in my 93 wagon. I hit him straight on in the front of the car, he literally did like a 720 and landed in the other lane and someone in a suburban ran over it and kept goin. Anyways he hit the headlight and the fender STABBED him, I mean a baseball sized clump of meat, bone, and hair sticking to the tip of my fender. it was quite a site

Re: Had a run in with Bambi today

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:45 am
by Richard
I soooooo wanted to buy this, but the carfax don't check out. I damn near jizzed myself. I don't like the gold on the front though. ... vi-content

Nonetheless, I'm looking to raise my credit score so I can get a house. The banks really won't touch anything older than 2002. I'm looking to spend 10k absolute tops. What can I reasonably expect for this much? Do you think a WRX that isn't trashed could be found for this? I'd settle for a baller ass legacy too.

In a perfect world (not the book), I'd want a blue wrx with the gold BBS rims that's stock and not beat. There's just something about the blue and gold that I like.

Re: Had a run in with Bambi today

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:42 am
by Mattheww044
That thing is sooo sexy, but I am not the kinda person to buy someone else's swapped/heavily modded car. Learned that the hard way.You could easily pick up a nice WRX for under 10 if your trying to stay Subaru and Turbo