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EJ22T Current Value

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 7:22 am
by Baulde
What would the going rate be for EJ22T long and short blocks(Case halfs)? Hard to find anything recent.

Re: EJ22T Current Value

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 5:35 pm
by carfreak85
I'll tell you this, a block that has never been split before will be worth more than two split case halves. Most machine shops don't have the expertise or equipment to properly build a Subaru engine, once the case has been split.

Re: EJ22T Current Value

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 5:40 pm
by Baulde
Fair enough, I thought it might be worth splitting to inspect. But I can leave them whole.

Re: EJ22T Current Value

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 4:18 pm
by carfreak85
If you know the history of the engine, you wouldn't need to inspect. You could pop off a rod end to inspect those journals, and perhaps infer the condition of the block's journals from there.

Re: EJ22T Current Value

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:56 pm
by monkeyposeur
Prices can vary of course. But I've sold a few split blocks. I sold one about a year ago. I got $700 for the case halves and I had to ship it to the UK. I bought the complete long block for $300 from a local guy. Buyers can be hard to find these days.

You're best bet to sell is to post on NASIOC of find someone in the UK that wants it. Shipping can be tricky though. Fortunately the guy who bought mine worked out the shipping.

As far as machine shops not being able to properly machine a subaru block, that's not true in my area. We have quite a few shops that are very capable of machining and assembling subaru blocks and heads. I had a machine shop bore my block out for me and I've got well over 15k on that thing as my 350whp DD.

All the blocks I've sold, and helped my friend sold, we split them and shipped just the case halves. Our buyers were not interested in the crank, pistons, or rods. So post it up and it the buyer wants you to split it then do it.