What were you doing at 27? Under 27?, go away ;P

This is for non-Subaru related topics. Keep it realistic please.

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Post by monstaru »

sell me the rally car,move back in with your parents, and start doing meth....
that way your life will be over in all facets. ;-)

it's only life........no one gets out alive.live it.i traveled around after the military for several years(at like 21).ended up in spokane washington.man did i feel like a loser, so i got a girl pregnant.that made me feel worse.

so got like 3 jobs, and she still left me.after i married her.wow does she get a big check from me every month.so i traveled more,then met a girl i was supposed to have like 3 dates with before i was off again.that was 8 yrs ago.at 27 we bought a house.i got a job in the trades because i did not have an education.and now it is killing my body.
all i want to do is snowboard,but i make my living on my knees as a cement finisher.so i cannot afford to fuck those up , well , more.....

been doing this for a long time, built several different soobies,have a kickass time camping with the kids every year.

oh yeah, we took in our neice and nephew a couple yrs ago .wanna talk about no privacy, have teenagers.

oh yeah, what was i saying,fast forward to here, and now.i am layed off due to the economy,am headed back to school in the spring(paying for it as i go)at the community college,onto ewu after that....

but most of all.i have had fun....tried to do what i want, not what is or was expected of me.

its only life, play hard and eat all your lunch..........
cheers, brian
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Post by Legacy777 »

evolutionmovement wrote:I've found that the more chances you take trying to do something you feel you should be doing, the more opportunities come your way. Not to make it sound like New Age-synergy shit, but it does seem to work that way. Sure, I'm not rolling in money from book sales, but bumping into my publisher at a car show for old Subarus is pretty serendipitous and the book is very slowly gaining steam.
It's interesting you mention this Steve. In my opinion there's actually more going on "behind the scenes" if you will than just luck or chance.

I'm sure everyone's met someone that is doing a job or whatever that just doesn't like it. It shows in that person's attitude and their life. They tend to bring you and your attitude down along with them. And just the opposite, have you met someone that truly enjoys doing what they do. They have an exuberance that is hard to fake. It's contageous and can get others around that individual excited, motivated, etc.

Let's go a step further and use the above info and apply that to body language. It can mean so much in a conversation or meeting/introduction, and most of the time what we do via body language is involuntary. We don't consciously think about it. The people that are happy and have a positive outlook tend to portray a more inviting body language. So someone you may not have even met may be forming opinions about you, simply due to body language. As I mentioned above about the positive attitude, a more inviting body language can do nothing but help you in introductions/meetings/relationships (business or personal), etc.

Interviews are a great opportunity to watch people's body language. You can infer a lot from it.

Anyway, my point is a positive outlook on life can only help you succeed at your goals and desires.

1990 Legacy (AWD, 6MT, & EJ22T Swap)
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Post by entirelyturbo »

I know the discussion has died down, but I'll put my thoughts in anyway.

Not to turn this into a political thread or poo-flinging contest, but when I defend capitalism, what I mean is that an individual should work ridiculously hard to become ridiculously successful.

Like Steve regularly rants about, nothing is more pointless than the fearful, ultra-conservative (which I interpret as a lifestyle as much as a political affiliation), pathetic sloths that work shitty jobs for 50 years to save just enough money to retire just to reminisce on how shitty their lives were.

Nothing could be farther from the capitalist ideal.

I've been taking quite a few risks recently. Although my family has been rather unsupportive of what they think is careless immaturity, some of those risks are beginning to pay off... big time.

Right in the middle of a recession, I recently racked up a gigantic credit card bill to get myself technologically updated and properly equipped for writing Examiner articles. About $1200 in camera equipment, a $50 voice recorder, some $700 or so in this new computer and its associated external devices, and plenty more I'm forgetting.

I should also mention the Datsun race car and the unfathomable amount of time and money it's going to require of me... and the relatively miniscule amount of money Examiner pays me in the first place.

But guess what I've been doing lately? The weekend before last, I test-drove a 2010 Ford Taurus SHO loaned to me personally from Ford Motor Company, and this past Sunday, I went down to Miami to cover the opening of a new Tesla dealership, and I got to take a $130,000 2010 Tesla Roadster Sport for a 6-mile test drive.

Thanks to the better quality of articles I've been able to write, more doors are opening and I'm starting to attract attention from bigger and bigger names in the auto industry.

And I'm only 25.

I don't mean to brag, but I'm living proof that the adage "with great risk comes great reward" is indeed true, just as everyone else has said. While my stress level is higher than it's ever been and I've been so busy and am exhausting myself so much that I'm essentially running on caffeine...

... I'm starting to live the dream.
2000 Subaru Legacy B4 RSK

"Der Wahnsinn ist nur eine schmale Brücke/die Ufer sind Vernunft und Trieb"

*Formerly DerFahrer*

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Post by evolutionmovement »

I don't believe everyone is equal. The fearful people are one class and those that take a deep breath, say, "Fuck it," and jump in are another. My problem with the reality of capitalism is that so many are overcompensated without having earned it through work, genius, or tenacity as the ideal would state. This isn't different from other systems, but it SHOULD be and that's my issue. But I'll stop before I get going.

You can lose money in the stock market and gain nothing, but you never lose when you invest in yourself. I've spent money on things some people would see as waste—guitar I found I have no talent to play, materials for projects never completed, books for projects never read through, but I learned a little from all of them. Retirement? Sounds like mind-numbing boredom to me. I plan on investing in myself and working until I die. I think that, like many species of shark, if I stopped working I'd die anyway.

So I'm going to attempt to build a unique vehicle from scratch with an HVAC system and sliding canopy, adapting and modifying already engineered parts from junk cars to work where I can. Nobody does this. Home-builts seldom have roofs, never mind HVAC systems and self-designed chassis and bodywork. If it ends up an abortion, I'll have spent a few grand and some time and still learned a hell of a lot. I know people who spend more on alcohol in a year than this could cost me even if it's a failure. And, well, I don't drink that much.

Hey, what about that Tesla article?!
Midnight in a Perfect World on Amazon or order anywhere. The first book in a quartet chronicling the rise of a man from angry criminal to philanthropist. Midnight... is a distopic noirish novel featuring 'Duchess', a modified 1990 Subaru Legacy wagon.
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Post by epicfail »

Did you just compare yourself to a shark, Steve?
Replace 'genius' with 'competence' in the first paragraph, and you're closer to the truth.
[quote="RJ93SS"]u fail, epicly[/quote][quote="evolutionmovement"]Don't do drugs, kids, men may not need nipples, but we look a lot funnier without them.[/quote]
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Post by legacy92ej22t »

I don't remember 27 very well, kind of a blur. I had one child with another on the way, I was running two CATV systems and worked about 70-80 hours a week. Was on call 24-7-365 and had a wife that nagged the fuck out of me for everything I did.......

'92 SS 5mt. All go and no show. Sold :(
'94 Audi UrS4 Modded (new project)
'96 Outback 5mt.
'07 Legacy 2.5i SE

Oh... and I hope the fucker get bunked with Gunter, arrested for raping Gorillas.[/quote]
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Post by 93forestpearl »

"You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first."

"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

Mario Andretti

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Post by SubaruNation »

Josh FTW!
Zach - Legacy Frankenstin
93forestpearl wrote:Keep up the good work. You'll never know what you are capable of unless you push yourself.
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Post by N1446 »

i turn 27 in aproximately 20 dayz so me next
im 1/4 way through a diploma program studying architecture at a small college on an island 4hrs from the place i survived, in the middle of the atlantic ocean. I live with a girlfriend of two years who i met during university>before college, and at this point im forbidden to look behind me.

I play ice hockey with the college and i m building the awesomist of SuBaHruHs while living to work, i ve accumulated 21-24000 CDN in S.Loans and work a job at a call center, talking to Americans :smt029

N1446 Brutus
91 Legacy SS 5mt 2.5GT Swap
Legacy GT Suspension, 16" Fozzy Wheels, 2.5RS OBX EL Headers, Gutted Mid-Pipe, Subaru Catback c/w AWD BABY !
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Post by biggreen96 »

93forestpearl wrote: "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

Mario Andretti
This is one of my favorite quotes! Good stuff.

It's great that the people on this forum actually talk and help each other.
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