Finally some pictures of my 93 SS

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Finally some pictures of my 93 SS

Post by NemesisEJ22t »

Here is my album, i figure it will be easier to just post a link than to resize and add each individual picture.

EDIT: For those of you who dont have an imagestation account, here are the pics:







Please excuse the dirty conditions of the engine bay, i am waiting for spring to clean it again. And i will also be repainting the spoiler this spring as well.
91 Celica All-Trac @ 0 psi (turbo being installed)

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Post by THAWA »

coolbeans :D
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I'm on First and First. How can the same street intersect with itself? I must be at the nexus of the universe.
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Post by LaureltheQueen »

it's purdy.

I'm jealous. :)
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Post by NemesisEJ22t »

Thanks everyone, but its still a work in progress. I'm gonna work on it and get it looking and running great soon. I was originally going to swap it for a wrecked WRX this summer and rebuild that, but i just like this car too much and i see too much potential in it (street sleeper/weekend rallycrosser). Another note about it: It was originally totaled and rebuilt, which explains some of the dents and scratches it has, but mechanically and structurally it is fine.
91 Celica All-Trac @ 0 psi (turbo being installed)

92 Celica Turbo FWD (swap) @ 12 psi HOLY CRAP!!! I miss AWD
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Post by Legacy777 »

you goin to school at penn state?

how's state college treatin ya?
1990 Legacy (AWD, 6MT, & EJ22T Swap)
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Post by NemesisEJ22t »

Yup, 3rd year Mechanical Engineering here. Please tell me this hell is worth it someone out there. Actually, i'm starting to like my classes now a little more.
91 Celica All-Trac @ 0 psi (turbo being installed)

92 Celica Turbo FWD (swap) @ 12 psi HOLY CRAP!!! I miss AWD
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Post by Stupidru »

Wow, that looks exactly like mine. You don't see many maroon ej22t's. Nice!
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Post by Legacy777 »

NemesisEJ22t wrote:Yup, 3rd year Mechanical Engineering here. Please tell me this hell is worth it someone out there. Actually, i'm starting to like my classes now a little more.'re just getting into classes for your major now......what classes you takin this semester. me 50 & 51 weren't too bad. I liked me31 with litzinger...good guy. there were a few others I dispised with a passion though ;)

It is worth it....but depending on how you's really only a ticket in the front door....what you do from there is up to you. I have more of a common sense approach to engineering, so I don't retain formulas or do much of that shit. If you're a design'll actually use a little more of what you learn in college. I'd like to get some design experience simply to see if it's something I would even like. Right now I'm rather board....and am doing more automation/controls work which is definitely more computer based.
1990 Legacy (AWD, 6MT, & EJ22T Swap)
2020 Outback Limted XT

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Post by NemesisEJ22t »

Cool man, I am taking ME 30 this semester, took 50 last semester and loved it. So far thermo isn't nearly as hard as i have heard it was surprisingly. Everyone talks about litzinger, i'm gonna have to try and get him. My plans are to hopefully get into something automotive in nature, i am going to get into formula SAE next year to get me off on the right foot in that. Did you intern anywhere? And also, how difficult was it for you to find a job out of college? Thanks, this is a big help to me.
91 Celica All-Trac @ 0 psi (turbo being installed)

92 Celica Turbo FWD (swap) @ 12 psi HOLY CRAP!!! I miss AWD
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Post by Legacy777 »

I liked ME 30 & 31. Wasn't too big a fan of 33. I had it with the russian guy...forgot his name now.....but he had a MEGA curve...which was nice. I had teddy harris for 51.....the guy was insane...but I lived. The only prof I will tell you to absolutely stay away from with a passion is james brasseur. That guy is a complete and utter cock sucker. Gave so much homework and wanted all this written out process of how your thinking, and changed the final exam style because he didn't like how we were doing in the exams. He gave me a D in the class.....had to retake because it was a core class for the major. Took it again with a different guy, got an it wasn't like I didn't understand the material.....

Definitely try and get litzinger. he teaches a little differently, but I honestly learned the most from that class.

I can look back at some of my other classes and tell you what was good and what to stay away from. INART3 is a pretty good arts/humanities/social sciences credit because it's all online, you do quizzes on the chapters and take the mid-term & final. Wasn't too bad.

If you are interested in getting into the automotive field, take vehicle dynamics, the SAE formula car is good, litzinger also teaches a combustion characteristics class too I believe. There may be a few other automotive based classes. However a lot of your design or thermo classes are good foundations for the automotive industry....depending on what you want to go into....engines, building the tools to build things, or even the material science side of you have options. If you want to do automotive....pretty much expect to go to michigan area. One of my old suite mates is an ME and now works for GM. He seems to like it....not sure it'd fit me though. I can give you his AIM screen name if you'd like to talk to him.

I did not officially intern anywhere. I did some crap/misc jobs, and computer tech work. I had a slightly skewed version of college....I wanted to get the f' out of there as quickly as possible. One I was paying out of state tuition, and two college is a decent learning stepping stone, however for how I think...(error on the side of too much common sense) I knew that the college degree is simply a ticket into the door.....after that, you will learn the stuff you need to learn for each employer. You will use some things you learned, but more importantly, they know that you have the ability to learn and that's what college teaches you. I may not know all the formulas or other shit, however I'm very good at finding way or another.

I had about 20-40 interviews my senior year. Only two of them went past the first interview. I was offered two with the navy at their warfare test center in ridgecrest, ca....out in the middle of no was slightly less then my other offer, however the job just didn't fit me, and I didn't want to be in the middle of nowhere. Second job offer was with williams gas pipeline, I took that offer. Company was laid back, I liked the people that interviewed me, and fit my personality better. I do feel I made the right decision, however things have changed quite a bit since I was hired on. We've downsized like crazy. We've sold 3 of our major pipelines and one LNG facility. My biggest issue right now is the lack of being challenged....I know it may sound stupid...hey...I don't have tons to do...but for me it gets old, and I like to push myself. Since joining the company in july of 2001 I have done a field assignment in memphis, construction assignment. I don't have too many big things I did on my first two rotations...more learning experiences, however I was in jersey for 3 months as an inspector for a pipeline job. I now work with our maintenance management system. It's basically a big database that holds compliance & operating data for the huge engines & turbines that move the gas. I've been doing more automation & controls work as well. One big thing I've done is took a monthly operating report that originally took 2-3 guys two months to do......I can now do it myself in less then 2 minutes with the help of pulling data from the database and using crazy crazy excel formulas & code to get everything right. I also catalogued & inventoried all the automation servers on our system....90+ machines.....did this when all the virus shit hit back in august.....I cleaned the machines, installed AV, set standards for admin users & pw's, and setup group policies through active directory to help automatically keep the machines updated. All the computers stuff I learned on my own messing with my home stuff.

So as you can see....I've got a pretty strong pull towards the computer electronics side....but still love the mechanical i said I had tons of interviews....and I don't know if they weren't interested in me....or what. I interview pretty well...usually interview better when people aren't reading down the canned questions......I had one guy want me to solve problems on whether this satellite on the roof would tip or slide first........that kind of stuff I lookup formulas and then work stuff out....not somethign I keep on the top of my head.

Plus side....I got very good with was just another check out the career center and register so you can browse the may want to start can get interns that way too....depending on what the company is looking it'll give you some experience interviewing.

Like I said....I may be a slightly different thinking engineer.....i'm not too much of a paper pusher/number cruncher....get's boring for me. My passion I guess is problem solving....and I tend use a little bit of everything I know...whether it be from school, engineering, computers, random shit I know.....etc.

Things will work out....I don't really know where I'll end up....but I'm not too worried about it.

If you have any specific questions or want to chat.....drop me an email or AIM.
1990 Legacy (AWD, 6MT, & EJ22T Swap)
2020 Outback Limted XT

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