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I'm 21 in three days, And I cannot drink.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:27 pm
by Arctic Assassian
I got diverticulitis, three days ago. It's a GI tract infection, don't look it up, it's gross. The antibiotics I'm taking interact with alcohol in a bad bad way, and I was told not to do any drinking for two weeks.


I'm done for. I'm gonna be a lightweight again. I'm not going to... make...... it. lol

Anyone else miss important birthdays? I did not get a celebration on my 16th either, considering i was grounded for being a stoner.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:51 pm
by evolutionmovement
Forgot mine a couple times.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:54 am
by dscoobydoo
Realize that events happen for a reason.
So you don't get a beer on your birthday. Just means you are not going to do anything stupid and you will enjoy it more.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:03 am
by skid542
^^^ Agreed.

I completely wasted my ankle in a bicycle accident two weeks before my 21st. Meant I got to spend the celebration on crutches which really helps keep you in check when you have a 1/4 mi. from the bar back to your place. Albeit things went way south once I got back.

In all honesty, getting completely wasted on your 21st really isn't as much fun as it sounds. Wait, and have a few beers when it's clear to and just take an easy evening.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:50 am
by Arctic Assassian
You all sound just like my mother. Thanks.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:03 am
by skid542
Haha, just a matter of been there and done that.

Albeit there's nothing like learning the hard way... I did :).

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:14 am
by asc_up
Hmmm. Well how "bad" are the effects?

Like if it makes you hallucinate, then damn, drink away! But if your dick will fall off, then don't. Ha.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:15 pm
by tahiti350
I've seen too many young people (male & female) screw up the rest of their lifes on their 21st birthday. I just retired after 26 years in the Air Force, and have lost friends and co-workers to everything from car wrecks to alcohol poisoning, pregencay, rape, significant injury, assult, knifings, etc.

Had one young man who had a kid with his girl friend. She died on her 21st birthday, drunk driving. He went thru the courts and won custody of his now 2 year old son. On his 21st he went out with friends after work, had a few drink and died on the way home, left the road and hit a power pole. In less than 6 months the son lost both parents to drinking....

I just shake my head everytime I hear someone say "I'm 21, and gonna get hammered tonight". They generally do....

I try to talk to them man to man, or man to woman, but the desire for alcohol is stronger.

Good luck to you if you decide to drink heavily, especially on your 21st. Hopefully someone will be there to keep you safe.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:36 pm
by evolutionmovement
I never drank until I was 23. I actually like the taste of beer, so I just have a couple and call it. Never was one for getting drunk. I can count on one hand how many times it's happened and once resulted in me attempting a cartwheel on a 3rd floor deck. My face landed on an astroturf "welcome" matt. Attention and concern from girls is great, but not if it's the wrong kind. That was the wrong kind. Another time my roommate and I took to shooting beer bottles off the fridge with a bb gun. Eventually, everything that could be shattered or penetrated by a bb made its way into the gallery. My roommate shot himself in the foot on purpose to see what it felt like (hurt). Stepped on broken f'n glass shards for months. I swear the damn things would reproduce. The last time, at my friend's bachelor party, I ended up making out with a chick, I later found out, was a lost twin for my lesbian sister. I never tried to drive, but I don't need to resort to that to almost kill myself so I don't bother.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:40 pm
by tahiti350
[quote=" I ended up making out with a chick, I later found out, was a lost twin for my lesbian sister. [/quote]

That right there is reason enough not to drink... especially if your sister looks like mine :smt061 :smt064

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:31 pm
by smh0101
To the OP...

Damn dude, that sucks, I'm sorry!

21 is still 4 birthdays away for me.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:32 pm
by evolutionmovement
She's reasonably attractive (or was), but that's not the point. They didn't necessarily look exactly alike anyway so much as they talked exactly the same - same odd vocal intonations and figures of speech. Even their voices were very close. Creepy. I'm not Egyptian enough for that kind of thing.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:09 pm
by Imprezive
being a lightweight just means you can party on the cheap

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:22 am
by entirelyturbo
I started drinking when I was 18, although it was the pussy Kool-Aid stuff (Smirnoff Ice, Mike's Hard, etc.). Hey, at least I had an idea what it was all about by the time I was 21.

Strangely enough, I got way more drunk my 20th birthday than I did my 21st. An of-age friend took me to a local bar/club and kept buying me drinks. I think I had four shots of Jager, a Corona (which I hate sober), and something else.

My 21st birthday consisted of a mere Bacardi and Coke and a shot of Goldschlager.

The last time I got drunk was when I made that one post on here, in the 'chemically enhanced' thread. I threw up that night... can't drink like I could in those olden days.

It's fun, I guess, but the next morning is NEVER worth it to me, so I ultimately just don't really like to get drunk.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:17 am
by Arctic Assassian
I rarly drink to excess. And the worst mistake of my life, which almost cost me my life, was made while blacked out driving last october. The last year of my life has been quite the turn-around, and i like to think i'm much more responsible arranging for DD's and the like. Many nights I find myself volunteering for that job, and not feeling bad that i'm not drinking. I get to check out drunk chicks. :)

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:20 pm
by Imprezive
ouch, that is a crappy thing to have. I learned about this in school. I believe you should probably increase your insoluble fiber intake. But the doctors probably told you that.

haha, drunk chicks. Danger can happen when intoxicated.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:41 am
by tahiti350
Glad to hear you survived the last Drunk driving situation. Lots of people don't. unfortunately a lot of innocent people also get taken out by drunk drivers, like my ex-boss's mom. 63 year old, standing at the corner waiting to cross and got run down.

I'm off my soap box now, not saying not to have fun, or not to drink, just PLEASE be cautious when you do. I've had a couple of alcohol related instances myself, but never driven after drinking.

And DerFurher, I'm 45 years old, I STILL drink the so called "pussy" stuff. I like a cold Mike's when I'm working in the yard, or surfing the net. I also dring Apfelkorn (a HARD German Apple Liqour), but don't drink beer or many other hard liquors. I limit myself to 2 mikes, or 2 good swigs of Apfelkorn a day.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:48 am
by evolutionmovement
A little alcohol is good for you (maybe). My grandfather is 95, still sharp as a tack and still does yard work. Has a couple shots of Crown Royal every day.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:09 am
by asc_up
I learned back in school that a little bit of alcohol (approximately one or two shots) is actually good for your body because it clears out the 'bad' cholesterol in your body.

But that's one or two shots a week FYI. Lol.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:14 pm
by New92
Moderation is good, forethought is better, an ounce of friggin intelligence is best. I started at an early age, have a drink almost daily and seldom ever get wasted. My 21st was in fact one such time. Good friends, a taxi on retainer, and I was the only one without a hangover! Having said all that, Im sorry your laid up and hope you will find good occasion to make up for it later.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:56 am
dude youll be alright. i was in Orlando for a croos country meet on my 21st and we went to the Hardrock and all the guys kept busting my balls about not be able to drink. later we went to downtown and i forgot my ID, might have been on purpose just so i wouldnt have to worry about getting into trouble.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:33 am
by MacNews
DerFahrer wrote: the next morning is NEVER worth it to me, so I ultimately just don't really like to get drunk.
Not to mention for me its hard to sleep when I'm drunk, everything is spinny as @*!(%)(.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 8:31 pm
MacNews wrote:
DerFahrer wrote: the next morning is NEVER worth it to me, so I ultimately just don't really like to get drunk.
Not to mention for me its hard to sleep when I'm drunk, everything is spinny as @*!(%)(.
sleep on your stomach and youll be fine