FS: Advan AVS T6 17x8 w/ tires

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FS: Advan AVS T6 17x8 w/ tires

Post by IGSDann »

Well I just got my Legacy yesterday and I don't want to bend these rims on the crappy road I live on so I am gauging interest on these wheels.


They're Advan AVS Model T6 17x8, curb rash on all 4 wheels and brake rust dust on one. They should all be straight (have a receipt for one being straightened) They all have decent tires (I'd have to guess at least 6/32 on each) Hankook Ventus v12EVO 225/45-17's. Just wondering what I could get for these, and if I could ask for a bit more if they were cleaned up and repainted? I'm located in Fitchburg, MA but I can ship.

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